Bakersfield Police Blunder: 17-Year-Old's Shocking Discovery Sparks Concern

Bakersfield Police Blunder: 17-Year-Old's Shocking Discovery Sparks Concern

Discover how one vigilant citizen's timely intervention shed light on a concerning incident involving four young boys from McAuliffe Elementary in Bakersfield, California. After school on Friday, these boys approached Erica De La Rosa with a perplexing question about marijuana's legality. De La Rosa, taken aback, was then shown a cardboard box brimming with marijuana discovered by the boys near Westwold and Brookside drives.

Swiftly grasping the gravity of the situation, De La Rosa dialed 911. However, faced with a lengthy wait for police assistance, she was asked to transport the box to the Bakersfield police station herself. Despite her efforts, when she arrived at the station on Truxtun Avenue, she encountered closed doors and was escorted away by officers.

With frustration mounting, De La Rosa turned to local news outlet 17 News, seeking resolution. Astonishingly, even with a trunk full of drugs parked outside the police station, authorities seemed unmoved. Forced to undertake the investigation herself, De La Rosa managed to obtain contact information from the boys, though one fled the scene.

The ordeal took a perplexing turn when, upon her return to the police station, De La Rosa was once again turned away due to a purportedly high volume of emergencies. Her persistence paid off when, after more than 19 hours, an officer finally arrived, instructing her to discard the evidence.

The baffling response from the Bakersfield Police Department raises questions about their handling of such serious matters involving drugs and children. Despite repeated attempts for comment, the department has remained silent on the incident.

This alarming incident underscores the need for swift and decisive action in safeguarding our communities, especially when it involves the safety of our youth.


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